July 26, 2013

Fridays are the Best Kind of Sundays

Click to enlarge. You know you want to.
(Larger view HERE - Just click it to enlarge.)

Whoah man, I think I worked a solid ten hours on this one. I'm happy that it came out well though. My sleep patterns and schedule are back on track, which is awesome! I plan to make large, shaded "Sunday" comics like this on the last Friday of every month to mix it up a bit.

What do you think of the colored speech balloons? Should I keep doing them for "Sundays", or are they too distracting? If you have the time, let me know if you like 'em or not.
Oh, and possumtails.net links to this blog now, so you don't have to say a bunch of gibberish when someone asks for the URL. No hyphen needed!

Enjoy the Spottitude! I'll see you next Friday.

Hugs and lungfish!
 - Nolan P.

July 19, 2013

Can I Keep It?

Trying to lose those summer pounds? Try our new patented 'Click to Enlarge' diet!

That getting caught up on sleep thing didn't really happen, and all of my schedules have collapsed in a heap, which isn't fun. I had no backups, and I put off making this for way too long. I've been working on it since three in the morning... not that I was actually working on it that whole time. I made sure to take breaks whenever I got stressed out from drawing and re-drawing the same stuff over and over. The linework is always a pain, but the coloring part is all downhill, and I can let my mind wander while I do it, which is nice. It's without a doubt my favorite part, there's something so satisfying about it...

Some good news: I thought this comic was a remake, but as it turns out, I never actually did release this joke. I don't know if you're tired of the remakes, but if you are, you got a break from them today. I'll be done with remakes at some point anyway. After that I've got two and a half notebooks full of comic ideas varying from weak, to funny, to just plain weird.

Provided things go as planned, next week's comic will be a "Sunday" comic, so stay tuned!

Hugs and lungfish!
- Nolan P.

July 12, 2013

Roommates, Amirite?

Take charge, click to enlarge!

I tried to do a perspective thing in the first panel and it turned out weird. Sorry. I just can't find a way to make the interior of their cage not too distracting or too bland.

And yes, sugar gliders do sleep that way. In big heaps. It's funny, because when one shifts, the others gripe at it.

See you next Friday. Hopefully I'll be more caught up on sleep then.

Hugs and Lungfish,
   - Nolan P.

July 5, 2013

A Spot of Tea

Tired from blowing stuff up yesterday? Here's a tarantula drinking tea.

Simon says click to enlarge.
Seems fitting that I'd write a comic about unpleasant arthropods - apparently this week was the official 'House Centipede and Uncomfortably Large Spider Convention' in my room. Whoever invented the vacuum cleaner has my eternal thanks.

I do like tarantulas though. They fall outside of the 'too small to be easily tracked but too big to be ignored' category, they move at a decently slow pace, and they're like big fuzzy spider muppets. I'm still afraid to hold one though, since they might as well be made of glass.

Hey, time for a pop quiz!
What's the difference between the above image and this one below?

About a couple years of practice. Never stop doodling - you get better with every drawing.

Hugs and lungfish!
- Nolan P.