December 13, 2013

Fish Have Been Dealt a Bad Hand in Life

Click to enlarge! Or just sit there and strain your eyes. I'm not in a hurry.

I did a little shading this time to make up for the lost "Sunday" last month. That, and I just kinda felt like doing it.

I had no difficulty deciding on which species of salmon to draw. Sockeyes are colorful, weird, and interesting.

Next week, back to the normal swing of things!
  -  Nolan P.


  1. Shirley Spanhanks12/13/13, 9:23 AM

    Grest information and sad but funny. Keep up the good work.

  2. Shirley Spanhanks12/13/13, 9:25 AM

    Love your drawings and like getting information about animals. Sad but funny.

  3. I love Nolan's work! I am interested in bidding on a panel of 3 paintings of one of his cartoons posted awhile back - with creatures and a tub . . . I wrote a comment on the one I was particularly interested in at that time. Is it possible??!!

  4. Nolan - your work is marvelous! There is a panel of 3 with creatures and a tub you posted awhile back - wondering if you would consider painting that on three boards? What price? I know your mom well - so we could connect thru her if this is of interest to you!?
