May 31, 2013

Ever Get That Feeling

Those animals forgot to click to enlarge. Don't share their tragic fate!

Wow. This is pretty graphic. It's weird how used to this kind of thing people have gotten, last time I checked nailing dead animals to the wall sounded a bit psychopathic. Egh... Some things I will never get used to.

Anyway, hi! Looks like Possum Tails is going to be a weekly comic at this rate, hope you don't mind. I can't guarantee that I'll be coming out with a new comic every Friday, but hey, I can try.

I spent what felt like all week erasing and redrawing the first panel over and over, trying to get Remus to look just right. It wasn't until I decided to just say 'To heck with it' and doodle without stressing myself that I made any progress. The trick to drawing is to stop trying and just draw. No matter how many times that lesson is hammered into my head, it never really sticks.

The comic came out pretty nice though. I think I did a bit better with legibility. I put much more detail in than necessary (and visible), but that's not the end of the world. So, yeah. Hopefully next week you'll be seeing another comic. My current plan is to make a brand new one instead of a remake. I figure it's best if I balance them out.

Hugs and lungfish!
- Nolan P.

May 24, 2013

That New Comic Smell

Click to enlarge.

I guess I was way off when I said this drawing style took less time. It was more fun though, I'll give it that. There are inconsistencies here and there as always, but I'm hoping they won't be too much of a problem.
You might be able to tell that my style and the way I do things kind of changed halfway through. You're probably going to be seeing more of that while I get eased into things, so... sorry. But it means that I'm (hopefully) getting better and more efficient. At any rate, hope you enjoy. I'll try to get another comic out when I can.

- Nolan P.

May 22, 2013

Returning and Remodelling

Sorry about that two years or whatever I went without uploading anything.
If you like seeing cartoon marsupials hit each other, I have good news for you -
I'm bringing back Possum Tails.

After two long years, I have honed my artistic skills. As you can see above, I kind of have a new style. Not only is it a ton more fun for me to draw - it's faster too. This along with the fact that I have gotten much better with a drawing tablet, and drawing in general, means that I can (hopefully) make comics faster and (again, hopefully) more consistently.

While I have several notebooks with comics ripe for the picking and new ideas coming in to my head, I'm going to remake some of the comics I had here before. My old style was so awkward and restrained, I really don't want to leave them as they were. So, after I get that done, I'll start making some completely new ones.

Thanks for all the encouragement and support. Again, I'm really sorry about leaving this behind. From now on, I'm going to try to be more on top of things. Keep an eye out for some redrawn comics coming soon.

Hugs and lungfish, Nolan Parks

(EDIT: Check out that background. I am currently proud of it.)