November 28, 2013


I goofed up, no comic this week. Sorry! But at least I drew you something this time. As always, click to enlarge.

And for those not living in Americania and celebrating the magical day of gorging one's self, happy Thursday!

Next week will either be me making up for the lost Sunday this month, or just moving on and making another nature fact, depending on how well I'm doing.

Enjoy your food coma!
- Nolan P.

November 22, 2013

Tourist Trap

It's the fad that's sweeping the nation - Click to Enlarge!

Next week's comic will be a "Sunday", so don't touch that dial!

- Nolan P.

NOTE: I messed up and accidentally deleted an older post while trying to fix a spelling error in it. I guess I can't undo it or put it back where it was, so I'll just put it here for now.

Misplaced 9-20-13 Post: "Possum Tails Pool Party!"

It's not so hard - just click to enlarge!

I had a lot of fun with this one. This comic made me discover that I had no clue how to draw a Western Painted Turtle, and that Red-Eared Sliders are much prettier (and more green) than Western Painted Turtles. I don't even care a little that I've got some anatomical inaccuracies on Fiona - I love how this comic turned out. I'm especially happy with Rontu's expression. This was one of the few comics where I could sit back and laugh at it after drawing. I guess it's because the humor is in the action instead of the words.

You should look up Red-Eared Sliders. They've got beautiful coloration, and they always have this content little smile on their faces.

Tune in next week for the special Like-Sunday-But-Not-Really edition of Possum Tails!
  - Nolan P.

November 15, 2013

Fish are Easy to Please

Good good, you click to enlarge, yes?
(EDIT: Larger view HERE.)

I've been itching to get this one made for a while. Ah ha ha ha ha...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please don't go.

Those fish were definitely the funnest thing I've drawn in Possum Tails for a while. In case anyone's curious, the one on the left is a Sunset Fire Wag Platy, and the one on the right is Lesser Northern Striped Scandinavian Monkeypuncher.

If you bought that, I'm disappointed in you. It's an angelfish.

Next week, perhaps another comic in poor taste? See you then!
 - Nolan P.

November 8, 2013

Glove Hurts

Click to enlarge. It's for your own good.

I guess that counts as a happy ending.

At some point, I want to start using an actual font in the comic instead of drawing each individual letter. For the normal, non-freakout lettering anyway. It'll add some consistency. I'm going to have to find a font making program that works for me, or suck up my pride and hunt down a font that looks good with the comic. Dunno how long that'll take - odds are I won't make the change anytime soon.

Next week, some non-gastrointestinal humor!


   - Nolan P.