September 27, 2013

Roommates, Amirite? - The Sequel

Clickimus to Enlargicus
(Larger view HERE)

If you're wondering what that big wooden birdhouse thing is, refer to the 7-12-13 comic.

Next week - a short educational film featuring the environmental consequences of mankind's blind pursuit for success!

...Just kidding. It's gonna be another Possum Tails comic. See you then.
   - Nolan P.

September 13, 2013

The Closest You Can Get to a Possum Tails Animation

Click to enlarge - It's what separates us from the beasts! Or at least the ones without computers.

My first ever animated GIF.
If I'm not mistaken, almost all (if not all) lizards do this territorial head-bobbing thing. If they start bobbing at you, give them some space. Especially if they have a knife.

And since this is a Nature Fact comic, I must lazily link you to the Wikipedia article for Bearded Dragons. The articles never do the animals justice though - if you want to learn more about them, I suggest googling it or binging it or youtubing it or whatever - they're awesome creatures. Of course, some of you may already know quite a bit about them because you have one in your life, in which case... lucky.

Also, I've known the hand gesture that Groucho's making up there all my life as 'Rock on', but apparently to some it means 'Devil horns' or some other rebellious teenager-y thing. So I'd like to take the time to clear this up and say that I do not work for the scary evil goat-person who lives beneath the earth's crust and pokes people with a big fork. I just wanted to illustrate that Groucho is really rockin' out to whatever he's got on that tiny little MP3 player.

See you next week!
  - Nolan P.

September 6, 2013

Emergency Landing

c1ic|< +0 3n1@rg3

And by flight I mean gliding. They're really neat creatures. HORRIBLE pets, but neat creatures.
You can learn more about them here on the Pedia of Wiki. 

Also, I hardly ever draw Rontu and Remus' gliding membranes, but they do have them. I've found that they get in the way, like Spot's second pair of tentacle-fin-wooglywoogly-thingies.

Next week - another Nature Fact mayhaps?

Hugs and lungfish!
- Nolan P.